• Site topographic surveying and mapping
  • Shallow groundwater mapping and assessment of surface water-groundwater interaction
  • Water balance assessment
  • Design for creation of mitigation seasonal wetlands
  • Hydraulic and geomorphic analysis
  • Engineering plan and specifications preparation
  • Field construction supervision; and post-construction maintenance and monitoring


CH conducted a hydrologic assessment of shallow groundwater and surface water interactions along an existing broad drainage swale, south of the active Bluestone (aka Freeman) Quarry mining area, for H.T. Harvey & Associates (HTH). Based on the results of the assessment, CH and HTH then developed a design for an expansion of the existing swale wetland to mitigate for wetland and amphibian habitat losses at the quarry. The wetland expansion had to ensure that the proposed wetland cells would not result in a diminution of the groundwater supply that maintained the existing wetlands. The design included partial surface water diversions into the wetland cells, as well as utilization of local hillslope runoff. CH supervised construction of the expanded wetlands in the fall of 2002, with follow-up project maintenance in summer 2003 to correct the effects of quarry-imposed constraints on the original construction. The assessment of project performance conducted in the winter of 2004 indicated that the new wetland cells were ponding runoff at levels adequate to establish the wetland species targeted by the mitigation.


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Stream Restoration Project by Clearwater Hydrology

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Seasonal Pond Design Northern California

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DATE: Completed 2003
LOCATION: Santa Clara County, CA
CLIENT: H.T. Harvey & Associates and Granite Construction Company
GOALS: Assess wetland creation potential and predict impacts on existing groundwater-fed channel wetlands; assess wetland creation impacts on existing wetland; design mitigation wetlands for seasonal ponding and amphibian habitat

Home | Project Examples | Wetland Mitigation and Monitoring Plan, Santa Clara Co., CA.

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