Big Basin


  • Channel topographic surveying
  • Hydraulic and geomorphic analysis and design
  • Regulatory agency permitting support
  • Engineering plans and specification preparation
  • Field Construction Supervision


The Waterman Creek channel had incised through 30 ft. of fill following the plugging of a wood stave culvert during the Jan. 1982 flood. During the ensuing years, channel incision had progressed and was actively destabilizing the fill slopes flanking the channel. The lower end of the culvert was still forming a barrier to steelhead migration. CH designed and supervised the construction of a step-pool channel through the incised reach for the principal construction contractor Watershed Science in the summer of 1998. CH also played the lead role in permit application support for the District, as well as project representation to the local environmental community and the San Mateo County Planning Commission. The restoration has flourished, resulting in a stable channel, a revived migratory corridor for anadromous fish, and a full palette of riparian and wetland vegetation.


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Channel Restoration Santa Cruz County

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DATE: Sep 1998
LOCATION: San Mateo & Santa Cruz Counties, CA
CLIENT: Watershed Science, Aromas, CA for Red Tree Timber Co.
Goals: Restore pre-disturbance, step-pool channel morphology; restore steelhead migratory corridor; maintain use of adjoining landing area for timber storage; integrate channel restoration with installation of a railcar bridge crossing.

Home | Project Examples | Waterman Creek Channel Restoration, San Mateo/Santa Cruz Co., CA

item2a item1b Channel Restoration Santa Cruz County