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DATE: Nov 1996
LOCATION: Van Damme State Park, Mendocino, CA
CLIENT: CA. State Department of Parks and Recreation, Mendocino District, in conjunction with Cal State University, Monterey Bay- The Watershed Institute
GOALS: Eliminate fish passage barrier at bridge outlet; replace failing gabion and concrete key wall with a biotechnically stabilized, re-vegetated bank; integrate project work into parkland setting.
Pre-project condition downstream of bridge crossing with failing toe wall and gabion revetment at stream right.
Construction photo showing installation of native material revetment in meander immediately upstream of the bridge crossing.
Post-construction condition- upstream view along channel reach, extending through the constructed step-pool outlet and the bridge crossing to the installed native material revetment.
Year 1- Project reach in flood condition at waning stages of the Jan. 1997 flood: 2.5 months after the completion of construction.