Clearwater Hydrology was contracted to prepare the Hydrology and Water Quality background reports and EIR section for the Marin Countywide Plan Update 2005. The EIR document was awarded the 2008 Outstanding Environmental Analysis Document by the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP). Site assessments were performed at specific areas designated for dense housing development to assess local hydrologic features and the relationship between the natural features and the proposed project. GIS was utilized to assess potential impacts to County resources outside the specific areas. Potential impacts to water quality or increased flooding, as required under CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act), were assessed for the entire county and a detailed impact analysis was presented. In the event that County policies did not sufficiently reduce impacts to water quality and/or flooding, CH proposed mitigation measures to reduce impacts to a less-than-significant level.


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Contywide Plan, Marin County Environmental Impact Report

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DATE: Adopted November 6, 2007
LOCATION: Marin County, CA
CLIENT: Nichols Berman, Environmental Planners, for the Marin County Community Development Agency
GOALS: Update Technical Background Reports on Hydrology and Water Quality and Flooding; assess hydrology and water quality impacts of new Plan focus of infill and inland corridor development; develop mitigation measures


Project Examples | Marin Countywide Plan, Marin Co., CA

item2a item1b Contywide Plan, Marin County Environmental Impact Report