• Watershed peak flow assessment
  • Hydraulic and fluvial geomorphic analyses
  • Hydraulic modeling
  • Stable channel design and evaluation of invasive plant potential and control
  • Preparation of restoration and pond rehabilitation construction and bathymetric plans and specifications
  • Dredged pond spoil containment basin design
  • Collaborate with wetland/wildlife biologist on water level forecasting and zonal wetland and riparian planting design


Clearwater Hydrology prepared a restoration and channel daylighting design for a 700 ft. reach of Historic Tulucay Creek as part of a habitat mitigation program associated with College expansion activities. CH conducted a topographic survey to collect detailed stream topography both upstream and downstream of the reach to be restored. The survey data was used to supplement the campus-supplied topographic and pond bathymetric survey that was insufficient for restoration channel design. The collected data was used to develop a HEC-RAS model to assess flow depths and expected bed shear stresses in the restoration reach. Bed shear was important to the design of this project due to concern for sedimentation within the restored channel, and thus cattail growth, that could reduce channel capacity and exacerbate flooding of the nearby sports fields. The project corridor was quite confined, flanked by an existing running track and newly constructed tennis courts. Because of these spatial constraints, the restored channel sinuosity was inordinately low, except for the upstream and downstream ends of the reach.


The dredging plan for the sedimentation pond included the design of a spoils containment area to hold the dredge spoils for drying and a design plan for the finished pond bottom topography, along with a component to guide the removal of a highly invasive aquatic plant, the parrot’s feather. An overflow weir was constructed and reinforced with erosion control fabric to allow for winter runoff from the containment area. The containment area was established for spoils dewatering and was designed to hold the spoils through the first winter season before the area was re-graded in 2007. The College plans to utilize the containment area as an open space/park amenity for the campus. CH is providing post-construction monitoring and maintenance support to the College.


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Stream Restoration Project by Clearwater Hydrology

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Creek Restoration and Sedimentation Pond Rehabilitation Plan

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DATE: December 2006
CLIENT: Napa Valley College, Campus Planning & Construction
GOALS: Restore open channel; provide wildlife corridor; restore open water habitat; provide mitigation credits for implementation of the campus development plan; provide a campus amenity.

Home | Project Examples | Creek Restoration, Pond Rehabilitation, Napa, CA

item2a item1b Creek Restoration and Sedimentation Pond Rehabilitation Plan